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Project Introduction

Dongshan Water System Domestic Sewage Treatment Project in Xiang'an District, Xiamen

Time:2020-04-18 12:16:00Hits:415Size:T|T
Hongqian Community is affiliated to Xindian Town, which is located in Xiang'an District, Xiamen, north ...

Hongqian Community is affiliated to Xindian Town, which is located in Xiang'an District, Xiamen, north of Xiang'an South Road and west of Hongzhong Avenue. It has jurisdiction over seven natural villages, including Dongtou Village, Shanqian Village, Shanwei Village, Dongshan Village, Dazhong Village, Qianbian Village, Donglian Village. The scope of treatment: Dazhong Village, Dongtou Village and Qianbian Village, of which there are about 318 households and 878 people in Dongtou Village, about 390 households in Dazhong Village with 1098 people, and about 203 households in Qianbian Village with 600 people.


In June 2018, the investigation was conducted on the current situation of sewage discharge in Hongqian community (including Dazhong Village, Dongtou Village and Qianbian Village), Xindan Town, Xiang'an District. The drainage system in the three villages was for rainwater and sewage, and there was no sewage collection system built. Accordingly, most of the household sewage flowed through the septic tank into a nearby drain and was eventually collected to a pond or river near the village, while a few areas still had sewage overflows. Due to the inadequate sewage collection system in the village, the sewage discharge of each household was out of rules, and eventually the drainage ditch in the village became a stinky ditch and pollutes the nearby water system.


Our sewage treatment station is designed to treat 200m3 sewage a day. The designed quality of water reaches the Grade A in the "Discharge standard of pollutants for municipal wastewater treatment plant" GB18918-2012.


Project Technology Process Overview


Our equipment adopts quick separation process+ physical and chemical treatment (ultraviolet disinfection) +filter treatment


Quick separation is a natural phenomenon. There are different places with fast and slow flow velocity in the flow of fluid, while solid matter in the flow of fluid always concentrates from the side with fast velocity to the side with slow velocity. This is called "quick separation", which is another commonly used solid-liquid separation technology other than precipitation and filtration.


Quick separation is a new technology for organic wastewater treatment produced in the past 5 to 10 years. This purification technology works with slightly flowing water and a collection of crushed stone balls (the balls will participate in anoxic, anaerobic and aerobic reactions) as feed without any pressure. In the flow of sewage, there are fast velocities outside the collected balls and slow velocities inside the balls. Floating matter in the water is concentrated in places with slow velocities to generate quick separation. Then, combined with biochemical decomposition, it constitutes the quick separation biochemical technology.


Main Equipment Photos


The picture above shows the equipment being installed



The left side in the figure above is the domestic sewage treated by the equipment, and the right side is the untreated water

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