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Our municipal takes actions that suit local circumstances, give sector-specific guidance, pay attention to governance the treatment of rural black-odour river and work out in rural domestic sew...
HAIKOU, July 1 (Reporter Zang Hui-bin) At July 1, the reporter learned that the Haikou municipal party committee and municipal government were highly valued the retrofit project of r...
This year more than 10billion Yuan are appropriated by the State Revenue Department to support the entire-village advancement of the rural sanitary latrine revolution and the entire-country ad...
During the prevention and control of the new coronavirus pneumonia outbreak, how to collect and treat the sewage discharged by thousands of households effectively is related not only to the daily...
Zhejiang is the first province throughout the country to comprehensively implement the rural domestic waste treatment. At present, over 90% of the administrative villages in the province hav...
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