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Xiamen Strengthen Sewage Collection and Treatment to Ensure That 100% of Standardized Sewage Discharge

Time:2020-02-11 14:46:00Hits:348Size:T|T

During the prevention and control of the new coronavirus pneumonia outbreak, how to collect and treat the sewage discharged by thousands of households effectively is related not only to the daily life of the public, but also to the overall situation of prevention and control. Epidemic is command while prevention and control is responsibility. In recent days, the Municipal Garden Bureau conscientiously fulfills the responsibility of industry supervisors, strengthen supervision, Xiamen Municipal Group carefully organized, specific deployment, Xiamen Municipal Department of Science and Technology companies and other enterprises to take strong measures to comprehensively strengthen the operation and management of sewage facilities management and production of front-line personnel safety and epidemic prevention, to ensure that the sewage treatment plant station water safe and stable standardized discharge, Effective resistance virus spread through domestic sewage carrier, to ensure the safety of urban water environment.


Send experts to serve on-the-spot to strengthen industry supervision guidance


In view of the new situation that the new coronavirus may have the risk of fecal-oral transmission, on February 4, the Municipal Garden Bureau of the Municipal Garden Quickly issued the Notice of “The Xiamen Municipal Garden Bureau on Strengthening the Administration of Disinfection of Urban Sewage Facilities”, in accordance with the notification requirements of the relevant departments of the state and the province. Municipal Departments and Municipal Environmental and Technology Departments are required to strengthen the disinfection and elimination of all sewage facilities under their jurisdiction, and to urge production units to take measures such as disinfectant or ozone and ultraviolet disinfection to ensure that effluent fecal coliform indicators meet national standards; Strengthen the safety of front-line production personnel for epidemic prevention and production control, ensure the water standards.


In view of the relatively weak situation of sewage treatment facilities in rural areas, on February 7, the Municipal Garden Bureau sent services to the grass-roots level, led by Wang Yanyan, chief engineer of the Bureau, Professor Yuan Baoling, vice president of the School of Civil Engineering of Huaqiao University, and Dr. Ma Cong, deputy manager of the production and operation department of Xiamen Municipal Department of Environmental and Technology, Lu Guanghui, the Deputy General Manager and Senior Engineer of Xiamen Water Sewage Treatment Co. , Ltd., Guo Qingfeng, the engineers of Xiamen City Sanitation Center and other experts, has come to the cleaning buildings, sewage treatment stations, etc., of Tong'an, Xiang'an, Jimei and other areas, to carry out rural environmental remediation and epidemic prevention and control guidance and services.


"From the scene, during the outbreak prevention and control period, rural sewage treatment stations do a good job in site disinfection and sterilization, but also there are some shortcomings. I suggest that they pay close attention to the water intake, water quality and other changes, strengthen the disinfection of the treatment process, in the effluent, increase residual chlorine detection and microbial indicators testing, timely take targeted measures.” Professor Yuan Baoling said.


Increase disinfection and sterilization efforts to ensure that the water out of the absolute standards


As an important infrastructure of the city, sewage treatment plant needs to be non-stop operation of 365 days a year, 24 hours a day. During the Spring Festival and epidemic prevention and control period, the vast number of workers are competitive as "Retrograder", stick to their posts, fighting in the front line.


On February 6, the reporter walked into the municipal environmental department's sewage treatment plant. Factory control measures are very strict, all entering personnel must take temperature and wear masks. And the personnel in the aeration pool and other front-line operations also need to wear protective clothing, goggles and so on.


In the "Brain" of the sewage treatment plant --- the central control room, the reporter saw that the sewage treatment of the operation of the various processes one by one displayed on the computer screen. During the first month of lunar, the flow of people is large and irregular, and the amount of sewage fluctuates disorderly. In this regard, sewage treatment plants pay close attention to the change of water volume, timely input water matching facilities and equipment, increase the operation of inspection projects and frequency, timely find and eliminate abnormal operating conditions, to ensure the normal operation of each processing unit.


"Normally, we will strictly according to the standard of sewage disinfection sterilization, water quality has reached the level of A standard, during the period of epidemic prevention and control, we further strengthen the disinfection sterilization again, to ensure the water quality standard of hygiene factors and is superior to the ecological environment are calling for the level of A standard, to ensure the safety of water environment in Yun Dang, Xiamen"The person in charge of the sewage treatment plant said.


As a " Physical Examiner" of sewage, during the epidemic prevention and control, Xiamen drainage monitoring station testing personnel need to test all kinds of sewage at close range, the risk and workload are doubled, and, due to the large number of households and units using disinfectant, the composition of sewage has become more complex. Zhang Qizhen, the "Xiamen City May Day Labor Medal" winner, monitoring station quality control room director, as an old party member, he stand up and work overtime with colleagues, timely do a good job in the sewage treatment plant water quality inspection work. To get a data, inspectors often stand for hours on end for tests. Recently, the monitoring station daily detection of water samples up to more than 80, is twice than the usual, to provide accurate data for the sewage treatment plants, and to provide an effective reference for the sewage treatment plants.


According to reports, during the outbreak prevention and control period, our city 8 municipal sewage treatment plants have maintained normal operation, the water quality of each plant pass rate of 100%.


Source: China Sewage Treatment Engineering Network


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