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The company actively organizes employees to carry out garbage sorting learning

Time:2020-03-28 10:12:00Hits:615Size:T|T

Recently, in order to respond positively to the requirements of the Central Government and the Shenzhen Municipal Government on the classification of domestic waste, and to urge and instruct all the company's employees to carry out the garbage sorting correctly, the company recently organized a work meeting on publicity of garbage sorting.

Through watching the video publicity, the company employees were introduced the relevant policies, ways and methods of garbage sorting for special training and on-site explanations, and through training to further guide the various departments of the company to implement garbage sorting management.


Through publicity and education activities, employees are guided to start with daily trivial matters, so that garbage sorting changes from slogans to habits. The implementation of garbage sorting and treatment is of great significance for improving the level of urban civilization, improving the urban environment, and increasing the recycling rate of resources.

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