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Environmental Experts Carried Out Field Visit the Sits Built by CDT

Time:2018-06-15 20:26:00Hits:394Size:T|T

Recently, Xiamen city organized environmental experts to carry out field visit of sewage treatment sits built by CDT in Tongan district of xiamen city.





Xiamen environmental experts conducted deeply field visit of the technological process of CDT sits equipment, and made a systematic understanding of the scientificity, rationality, energy-saving and other related performance of the equipment and technology.


In addition, the experts sampled and tested on whether the effluent of the equipment met the first-level A index in the "Pollutant Discharge Standard of Urban Sewage Treatment Plant (18918-2002)", and conducted all-round inspection on whether the daily operation, maintenance and management of the site were maintained in accordance with requirements and other details.


Ultimately, environmental experts gave high praise and recognition to the company's above-mentioned verification of the overall situation. 

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