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Tong'an 734 Villages Will Treat Domestic Sewage

Time:2017-04-10 20:43:00Hits:300Size:T|T

Morning News (Reporter: Chen Yaling Correspondents: Zheng Sumiao Xu Jingchang)  Recently, reporters from Tong'an District Construction Bureau was informed that the 734 natural villages of the whole Tong’an area will be domestic sewage treatment. Among them, 518 natural villages will be treated in a decentralized way for rural sewage, and 216 natural villages will be treated for sewage removal. Through the treatment, the whole area of rural sewage treatment facilities can be fully covered. At present, the rural decentralized sewage treatment in the surrounding villages of Daitouxi and other 4-river basins in Tong'an district has been fully rolled out.


According to Tong'an District Construction Bureau staff, before, rural sewage discharge, many small ditches are dirty and smelly, but also breeding a large number of mosquitoes. Since 2015, when the Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development took the lead in launching the rural decentralized sewage treatment work, Tong'an District, in accordance with the task arrangement, combined with the actual situation of the district, adopted the construction mode of separation of the pipe station, scientific ally, phased to accelerate the rural sewage decentralized treatment projects.


At present, many rural sewage collection pipes have been laid and small sewage treatment facilities have been built. Sewage into the pipe, purification discharge, sewage flowing around the countryside gradually disappeared, sewage discharge, drying by the sky of the situation is gone, the living environment of the villagers has been improved.

The staff of Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau of Tong’an told reporters that through the construction of sewage treatment facilities, rural sewage can be fully collected and treated to achieve sewage in-place treatment of the standard discharge. At present, The facilities completed of the Houpu Village, Lianhua Town Village, Sucuo Village, Hongtang Town and other treatment facilities, not only can achieve the standard discharge and the subsequent operation and management costs are low, but also can fully reflect the concept of ecological management, which changed the villagers of rural sewage treatment misunderstanding, and truly achieve the effect of the pilot promotion, In particular, the construction of sewage treatment facilities in Lianhua Village of Lianhua Town can be combined with modern agriculture, and the land for sewage treatment facilities can be fully utilized through the construction of eco-agriculture sheds, and a rural decentralized sewage treatment and circular economy can be explored for common development.


Up to now, there are 53 rural decentralized sewage treatment facilities under construction in the same safe area, involving 64 natural villages, and 21 have been completed. This year, Tong'an will continue to speed up the implementation of urban pollution control project and sewage collection pipe network construction, and focus on promoting the city's north road extension section and other two sections of the sewage project about 1,300 meters long and 8 pollution removal port renovation works.


Sauce: Haixi Morning News


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