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Zhang Lei: Focus on Creating Ecological Livable Beautiful Countryside and Constantly to Enhance the People's Sense of Happiness

Time:2019-09-20 20:50:00Hits:357Size:T|T

On September 19, Zhang Lei, a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Committee and secretary of the Municipal Committee, investigated the work of remediation of the rural living environment with City leaders Li Qiang and Wang Guangsheng attended.


Zhang Lei first came to the village of Silama Village in the town of Yiniubao in Faku County, and made a field visit to the situation of the village's appearance and management, and to understand the land circulation, farmers' income and so on. He stressed that we should fully respect the will of the masses, promote comprehensive governance according to local conditions, and promote the continuous improvement of the rural environment. In the village of Lijiahuangdi Village in Fengjiabao town, Zhang Lei went deep into the villagers' homes to learn about the "Three Cleaning and One Transform" and the garbage classification. He urged village cadres to strengthen publicity and education, fully stimulate the enthusiasm of all aspects, so that the peasant masses become participants and beneficiaries of environmental remediation. Zhang Lei also came to the town of Dagujiazi to listen to the central town construction report, asked to adhere to the overall planning, clear industrial positioning, and constantly improve the function, better play the role of the central town radiation-driven, for the county economic development to provide more powerful support.


Kongjia Village, Shengli Street, Kangping County is Zhang Lei's grass-roots party branch contact point. Here, Zhang Lei listened to the grass-roots party building work and village collective economic development briefing and focused on the rural toilet transformation. He pointed out that small toilets are connected to the people's livelihood. We should vigorously promote the "Toilet Revolution", and constantly make up the shortcoming of the rural living environment, and further improve the quality of life of the peasant masses. In Bajiazi Villages of Victory Street, Zhang Lei learns more about the integrated market-oriented operation management of urban and rural sanitation and the disposal of waste flash steaming. He stressed that the treatment of rural household waste should be regarded as the top priority of rural environmental remediation, strengthen normal, fine management, so that the masses benefit more and be more satisfied. Subsequently, Zhang Lei came to the straw and feces heap rotting fertilizer project site, the project to achieve the harmless treatment of feces, resources can be recycled to give recognition, to encourage the relevant parties to promote good experience, good practices, promote sustainable agricultural development.


During the research period, Zhang Lei also listened to the second batch of thematic education report. He stressed that we should adhere to the guidance of classification, pay attention to outstanding features, focus on the initial goal and mission, adopt a flexible approach to grasp the learning and education, closely link the actual examination of specific issues, take practical measures to promote the implementation of rectification, force to refrain from formalism and bureaucracy, implement goals and results to ensure that the theme of education to achieve tangible results.


Sauce: Shenyang Daily


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