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"Action Plan for the Fight against Pollution Control in Rural Agriculture" was Issued

Time:2018-11-08 20:47:00Hits:266Size:T|T

BEIJIN Nov. 08(People) (Reporter He Yingchun)--- the reporter from the Ministry of Ecological Environment was informed that, with the consent of the State Council, the Ministry of Ecological Environment, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs recently jointly issued the “Action Plan for the Fight against Pollution Control in Rural Agriculture” (hereinafter referred to as the "Action Plan"), clear the overall requirements of agricultural rural pollution control, action objectives, the main tasks and safeguards are deployed to combat pollution control in rural agriculture.


The Action Plan states that, in accordance with the general requirements of implementing the strategy of rural revitalization, we should strengthen pollution control, recycling and ecological protection, and further promote the remediation of rural human settlements and the reduction of agricultural inputs, the clean production, the resourceization of waste, the ecologicalization of industrial models; deepen the institutional reform and play the role of government and market; fully mobilize the enthusiasm and initiative of the peasant masses, complement the agricultural rural ecological environment protection outstanding short board, further enhance the vast number of farmers' sense of access and well-being, in order to build a well-off society in an all-round lay a solid foundation.


The Action Plan puts forward that through three years of hard work, the development of rural green has been accelerated, the rural ecological environment has improved significantly, the institutional mechanism of agricultural and rural pollution control has been basically formed, the supervision of the agricultural and rural environment has been significantly strengthened, and the enthusiasm and initiative of rural residents to participate in the protection of agriculture and rural environment has been significantly enhanced. By 2020, to achieve "One Protection, Two Treatments, Three Reductions and Four Improvements": "One Protection", that is, to protect rural drinking water sources, make rural drinking water safety more secure; “Two Treatments”, that is, the treatment of rural household garbage and sewage, to achieve a clean and orderly village environment; "Three reductions", that is to reduce the use of fertilizers, pesticides and agricultural water; The "Four Improvements" are to improve the water quality, the comprehensive utilization rate of agricultural waste, the ability of environmental supervision and the participation of rural residents, which are mainly caused by non-point agricultural pollution.


The Action Plan sets out five main tasks. First, strengthen the protection of drinking water sources in rural areas. We will speed up the investigation and assessment of drinking water sources in rural areas and the delimitation of protected areas, strengthen the monitoring of the quality of drinking water in rural areas, and carry out environmental risk detection and remediation of drinking water sources in rural areas. Second, speed up the treatment of waste and sewage in rural areas. We will increase the efforts of rural household waste management, promote the treatment of rural domestic sewage, and ensure the long-term operation of rural pollution control facilities. Third, focus on solving the pollution of the aquaculture industry. We will promote the clean-up of aquaculture production and the ecologicalization of industrial models, strengthen the use of animal and poultry manure resources, strictly supervise the environment of animal and poultry-scale breeding, and strengthen the prevention and control of aquaculture pollution and aquatic ecological protection. Fourth, effective prevention and control of pollution in the planting industry. We will continue to promote the reduction and efficiency of fertilizer and pesticides, strengthen the resource utilization of straw and agricultural film waste, vigorously promote the ecologicalization of the planting industry model, implement the management of the classification of cultivated land, and carry out the investigation and rectification of key industries involving cadmium and other heavy metals. Fifth, improve the agricultural and rural environmental supervision capacity. We will strictly observe the red line of ecological protection and strengthen the supervision and enforcement of the ecological environment in rural agriculture.


The Action Plan calls for greater organizational leadership. We will improve the mechanism for promoting the work of the central co-ordination, the province's overall responsibility and the implementation of the city and county, and the provincial people's governments shall be responsible for the quality of the rural ecological environment in the region. Improve economic policy. We will further promote the comprehensive reform of agricultural water prices. Encourage conditional areas to explore the establishment of sewage waste treatment farmers' payment system. Strengthen the autonomy of the villagers. Establish a direct benefit mechanism for farmers to participate in the classification of household waste and the utilization of agricultural waste resources. To guide farmers to protect the natural environment, scientific use of pesticides, fertilizers, agricultural film and other agricultural inputs, reasonable 6 chips, the whole county packaging, construction and transportation and other ways to attract third-party governance enterprises, farmers professional cooperatives and other participation in rural household waste, sewage treatment and agricultural pollution control. Increase disinvestment. Establish a local-oriented, central and appropriate subsidy of the government input system. Local governments at all levels should integrate funds such as environmental protection, urban and rural construction and agricultural and rural areas, increase investment efforts, and establish stable channels for the control of agricultural and rural pollution. Strengthen supervision. Provinces (districts and cities) should, on the basis of the implementation of the program in the region, formulate acceptance standards and methods, and carry out acceptance on a county-by-county basis. The work of agricultural and rural pollution control shall be included in the assessment scope of the province (district, city) pollution prevention and control battle, as an important part of the assessment of the responsibility of the Party committee and the government of the province (district, city) and the assessment of the performance of the cadres of the city and county.


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