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Improving the Living Environment in Rural Areas Eight Departments Jointly Promote the Rural "Toilet Revolution"

Time:2019-01-09 20:49:00Hits:352Size:T|T

Recently, the Central Agricultural Office, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the National Health Commission, the Ministry of Housing, Ministry of Urban and Rural Development, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Ecological Environment jointly issued the Guidance Opinions on the Special Campaign to Promote the Rural "Toilet Revolution" (hereinafter referred to as "Opinions"), to guide the work of rural toilet seating in various areas, improve the level of rural living environment construction and promote the special action of the rural "Toilet Revolution".


The Opinions point out that by 2020, the eastern region, the suburbs of the central and western cities and other basic and conditional areas, basically complete the rural household toilet snobbery transformation, toilet manure basically treated or resource utilization, the management of long-term mechanism initially established; The prevalence rate of sanitary toilets reached about 85%, to achieve the basic norms of sanitary toilets, the storage tank does not leak, timely clearance, remote, economically underdeveloped areas, the prevalence of sanitary toilets gradually increased, to achieve the basic requirements of clean and tidy toilet environment. By 2022, toilet dung in the eastern region and near-suburbs of the central and western cities will be effectively treated or resourced, and a long-term mechanism for management and protection will be established. Located in remote, economically underdeveloped and other areas, the prevalence rate of sanitary toilets significantly increased, toilet dung harmless treatment or resource utilization rate gradually improved, the long-term mechanism of management and care was initially established.


The Opinions require that all regions, from the practical point of view, respect the living status quo and habits formed by the history of farmers, and guide the masses of farmers to work and work. Taking full account of the local urbanization process, the characteristics of population mobility and the needs of the peasant masses, the transformation of household toilets should be the main focus, the sewage treatment facilities should be integrated and the construction of rural public toilets and tourist latrines should be coordinated. Reasonable formulation of the target task of changing toilets and promotion programs, choose the appropriate mode of changing toilets, put an end to the "Image Project." Ensure that the three-year rural toilet change task is completed on schedule, adhere to the short-term goals and long-term plans combined. Insist on the combination of construction and management, and actively build a long-term operating mechanism, perseverance will be the rural "Toilet Revolution" to the end.


The Opinions clear out that all localities have implemented the task requirements on the number and standards of various types of toilets, and organized a thorough survey of the status quo of toilets in rural areas. Considering the geographical environment, climatic conditions, economic level, farmers' production habits and other factors, according to local conditions, township-by-township (or village-by-village) demonstration of the preparation of rural "toilet revolution" special implementation program. Combined with the rural reality in the region, encourage the local resource utilization of toilet dung, encourage toilets into the hospital, conditional areas should actively promote toilet sin. Organization of A-level rural tourism toilets, the most beautiful rural public toilets, civilized sanitary cleaners and other forms of election activities. Encourage enterprises and research institutions to develop new technologies and new products for sanitary toilets that are suitable for rural reality, affordability and popular use by ordinary people. Local lying and information dissemination of public toilets and tourist toilets is encouraged to use information technology. Encourage all regions to explore and promote the "commercial construction of toilets, commercial toilets" and other models, innovative mechanisms to ensure that construction and management in place. We will promote the treatment of rural toilet manure and rural sewage, promote the decentralized treatment of toilet manure, centralized treatment or the unified treatment of sewage networks according to local conditions, and combine the implementation of "household transformation, centralized treatment" with single-family decentralized treatment, and encourage the integrated treatment of joint households, joint villages and villages.


The Opinions put forward that, we will further improve the mechanism for promoting the deployment by the central government, taking the overall responsibility by the provinces and the implementation of the work at the county level, and strengthen the linkage and coordination between the upper and lower levels. We will increase support for the central and western regions and poverty-stricken areas and give priority to the construction and renovation of tourist toilets and agritainment household toilets in rural tourism areas. We will establish a public supervision mechanism to accept public and social supervision by setting up a telephone and mailbox for reporting reports. We will encourage local organizations to carry out public awareness campaigns for the "Toilet Revolution" in rural areas, and strengthen publicity and education on civilized toilet use, the daily management and protection of sanitary toilets, and the knowledge of sanitation and epidemic prevention.


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